Tuesday, August 17, 5:00pm
Last night, we caught up on some much-needed z’s, slumbering from about 9:30pm until 9am this morning. We did a little bit of that stuff that only married people ought to be doing, and decided to head to the beach. Considering the previous evening’s harrowing travel through the narrow roads etched into the hills, we made sure to have our route all mapped out in our heads and on a Google map long before Jonathan ventured behind the wheel of our modest Fiat Panda - a car that (at least from the passenger’s chair) seems without much pep, though nimble.

It’s not clear whether we actually followed the Google route we originally traced, considering street signs in this area are rather sparse, but the myriad traffic circles do a very good job of pointing the way towards various destinations. So long as one of the markings said
L’Estaque, we kept following it. If we’d had big breakfasts already, we no doubt would have vomited at some point traveling around those circles, but we (fortuitously, apparently) opted to eat once we got to the beach. The coastal roads were absolutely gorgeous. I (D) stared at the high cliffs and old bridges as much as possible, steeling myself for our impending car accident given the Mexico-like driving skills of the
marseillais. However, we finally managed to park at the
Plages de Corbières, where the highway overlooked the most beautiful, tiny beaches we could have ever imagined! And the weather was absolutely perfect today! It felt like it was in the high 80’s, with a steady, light breeze. The water was crystal clear, though practically frigid. We didn’t spend as much time in the water, but I find that as I age, I simply don’t need the same amount of time I used to in order to leave the beach feeling peaceful and satisfied. Frankly, it was nice to spend so much time under the warm sun, feeling the wind traipse across my skin, and being lulled to sleep by God’s creative hand in it all.
We’re back home now, getting showered and dressed. Tonight, we shop! We found the local Devred at the mall last night, and did a little reconnaissance :) I’ve already mapped out which areas of the store to hit, and the items I’m going to try on! Right now, we’re feeling very pleased with all those folks who purchased us Honeyfund shopping sprees!
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